When Monica Ferrell found out she was pregnant after being told she was infertile, the couple was both surprised and happy. After an ultrasound they were told by the doctor that their baby had, Turners Syndrome and that the baby had less than a 1 percent chance to survive. The doctor encouraged them to abort as soon as possible, they were to decide when to abort and move on.
The couple was devastated at first, until Mr Ferrell realized he needed to surrender the situation over to God, let God do His Will and work the situation for His glory. They went to Church and were prayed over by the congregation for healing. Monica immediately felt something incredible happening and she knew in her heart her baby was going to be alright. The couple went for their next ultrasound at a different clinic and were overjoyed to see the baby was normal.
Nearly 100 percent of the women who get a diagnosis of their baby having Turner’s Syndrome are encouraged to abort. The Ferrell’s want other’s to hear their story and realize there is reason to hope. They put their faith in God and everything changed! Today Ellie is perfectly healthy and a true blessing to their family. Praise God!
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