Man is a product and a likeness of God. God created man in a way that makes Him Unique. The uniqueness of man takes various forms or characteristics. These qualities man possessed make one man to differ from another man. Although, all men are the same in nature but are not exactly in qualities. The difference and similarity between one man to another man prompt this question. What makes a Man? But the fact is, what's makes a man cannot be expressed in few words. Take to heart these few suggestions of mine.
1. A Man is a living being:
A living being as in, He can see, move, eat, smell, breath, walk, talk, and command, etc. Although, these outstanding qualities, what's actually makes a man to be man is?
2. Having a Matured mind:
The way one carries himself in public shows how a matured man is. Well, explaining how a matured man should be seen will take a whole lot. Let me hint the nail on the head that a matured man is a man capable of making result oriented decisions. Decisions that will affect him and his environment. Another point that also shows a real man is?
3. Having moral and decent dressing sense: Wow! A matured man will definitely have an admirable character with a moderate sense of dressing. Mixing the right colors and taking to heart the best style can make the world see the real man.
4. Dominant at home and in offices:
A real man should be married to a wife and bring forth children. He should be able to manage home and office affairs decently. He should also have laudable organizational skills, good educational background, good cook and say the truth from the heart always. He should be employed or an employer of labor to meet the family needs.
5. Take up family responsibilities:
Although home makes a man, what a man does to his family speaks more of him as a real man. A real man must meet up to the challenges that might come his way when on his family duties. He must be there for the family, either his nuclear family or extended family. He should create existing cordial relationship with one another in the family where he is manning. This will definitely show the whole world how a man should be seen. A man should be able to care tare for his family and extended ones. Well, that is how a real man should be seen.
6. A real man will love his wife
Men are met to love their wives no matter what the condition. When a real man is matured and he is happily married, he should stick to his wife till eternity. He should know women are weaker vessels desiring for love and anyone who shows them love is the one for them. Therefore a real man must go deep to show love to his wife. There is no real man without a woman because a real man must have a woman beside him for the man in him to come alive.
7.Lastly, a real man must have the fear of God:
A real Man must love God and hate to do evil. And He must display the right attitudes which can show how He loves God and his Family. He must know that He didn't create himself rather God did. A real man should have the mind to appreciate God supremacy over his life, family and successes always.
1. A Man is a living being:
A living being as in, He can see, move, eat, smell, breath, walk, talk, and command, etc. Although, these outstanding qualities, what's actually makes a man to be man is?
2. Having a Matured mind:
The way one carries himself in public shows how a matured man is. Well, explaining how a matured man should be seen will take a whole lot. Let me hint the nail on the head that a matured man is a man capable of making result oriented decisions. Decisions that will affect him and his environment. Another point that also shows a real man is?
3. Having moral and decent dressing sense: Wow! A matured man will definitely have an admirable character with a moderate sense of dressing. Mixing the right colors and taking to heart the best style can make the world see the real man.
4. Dominant at home and in offices:
A real man should be married to a wife and bring forth children. He should be able to manage home and office affairs decently. He should also have laudable organizational skills, good educational background, good cook and say the truth from the heart always. He should be employed or an employer of labor to meet the family needs.
5. Take up family responsibilities:
Although home makes a man, what a man does to his family speaks more of him as a real man. A real man must meet up to the challenges that might come his way when on his family duties. He must be there for the family, either his nuclear family or extended family. He should create existing cordial relationship with one another in the family where he is manning. This will definitely show the whole world how a man should be seen. A man should be able to care tare for his family and extended ones. Well, that is how a real man should be seen.
6. A real man will love his wife
Men are met to love their wives no matter what the condition. When a real man is matured and he is happily married, he should stick to his wife till eternity. He should know women are weaker vessels desiring for love and anyone who shows them love is the one for them. Therefore a real man must go deep to show love to his wife. There is no real man without a woman because a real man must have a woman beside him for the man in him to come alive.
7.Lastly, a real man must have the fear of God:
A real Man must love God and hate to do evil. And He must display the right attitudes which can show how He loves God and his Family. He must know that He didn't create himself rather God did. A real man should have the mind to appreciate God supremacy over his life, family and successes always.
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