Hi Friend
I drove out of my house a few hours ago, took a left turn and I could see the traffic light by the Shell filling station ahead. Green means go (as Adisa, my friend says) so I attempted to go, but the car ahead ensured (hard to know if he did it on purpose) that his car had the last escape. I saw red, I stopped and on pole position to start when the green light comes on.
The light was still red when a'pick up' lorry from the other side of the road had a brake failure. The driver battled for control as the lorry headed towards my car. I just froze as he narrowly missed my car, drove into my side of the road, went straight for the kerb and crashed into a stationary car parked for sale.
It was a near miss, but all thanks to God.
Some day everyone on earth today will die. When you die what would happen to you?
What I really mean, is if you die today, will you go to heaven or go to hell?
You should critically evaluate that question, especially if you have not thought about it before or recently.
If you think the answer is hell, it is not too late to change that, especially if you are still alive.
If you are not sure, then you should at least know what is required to make it to heaven, because hell is a bad place.
If the answer is yes, congratulations I take it as you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and you understand that there is life after death.
In the past week, I have seen that many people need to hear the Good news (The Gospel). Life is so chaotic, many are struggling, at their wits end, frustrated and confused. It does not even matter where you live whether US, Europe, Asia, Africa etc.
I called a lady to congratulate her of the job she got that she applied for with an improved salary, and all I heard on the phone was sobs. She was just crying. I was very confused. My only interaction with her was after her interview a few days ago, I was not the right person to be crying to, at least from a professional perspective. My first question was, do you know who you are speaking with? Her response was yes and she mentioned my name. Now I became even more confused. After a brief conversation, I realized someone just broke another news to her that one of her friends had died. What happened? He stepped out to buy something, walked behind a car and the car reversed into him. He tried to alert the driver who, upon realizing, apparently tried to stop but instead of stepping on the brake, he accelerated even further and crushed him into a wall.
I tried to console her, and also congratulate her of the new job.
All of a sudden, I realized that in the grand scheme of things, when it truly matters with life, a new job, a new car, getting married, a new house, going on holidays, getting a new visa will not be enough of good news. We have heard about people who seem to have everything, take their own lives and no one knew the pain, hurt and loneliness they were going through.
So, today, I want to talk to you about the Good News (the gospel) that will change your life, all the more because you have probably heard a version of it before.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
This is so beautiful and a breakdown I found in Dag Heward-Mills' book really shines the light on it.
Friends God loves you! And God is the greatest person on earth. What that means is that the greatest person in the entire universe loves you and knows you by name.
God shows the greatest love ever shown to anyone to you. His love is greater than the love of your parents, or your spouse or your boyfriend or girlfriend.
God loves the greatest number of people anyone could ever love. Think about it, how many people do you truly love? Maybe your family members, your country, a few friends. Sometimes we even struggle to love people from other tribes, colors, or country, but God loves the whole world!
God gave the greatest gift ever, his only son Jesus Christ. All lovers give something. God's love made him give his only son to save you and I.
God gives the greatest invitation ever offering 'whosoever' the gift of salvation. God invites everyone to experience salvation no matter their race, gender, age, color, country of residence or origin. There is no discrimination.
God gives us the greatest and simplest method ever of entering heaven. This ensures that whether you are rich or poor, educated or not educated, black or white, over age or under age, just to believe is all you need to get access to heaven. It is not reserved for the privileged few or for the over aged or below aged. It is available to all. Everyone can be saved. Faith is the simplest and greatest method for entering heaven.
God gives the greatest escape ever. To perish in hell is a serious tragedy, but God directed His love towards us, such that while we were still sinners, Jesus Christ died for us so we can have the greatest escape.
God gives us the greatest opportunity ever to have everlasting life. Today is the day of salvation my friends because it comes with everlasting life.
The greatest thing about salvation is not that you will be healed, or that your needs will be supplied, or that you would have power to get wealth, or that you will have children, build houses, get new jobs or get married. No doubt, these things are good.
The greatest thing about salvation and accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour is that you will spend eternity in heaven and not in hell.
If you would like to take this bold step, I will love to pray for you (no matter where you are in the world).
Message me with your phone number and I will give you a call to pray with you. Remember all you have to do is confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Have a lovely weekend and God bless you.
PS: Sometimes friends have to tell each other the truth of their beliefs. Let's make heaven together.
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